1. Purchase paintings that you really love and feel a strong connection to.
2. When you are starting to collect paintings for your home, the best option is to purchase original art. Original means that the work is created by the hand and imagination of the artist. It is not a reproduction of a painting, or a mass produced poster.
3. Original paintings are a scarce commodity and therefore tend to be expensive items. However if you buy an original work of art you are getting an object of intrinsic and lasting value. With proper care it will be a treasure you can pass on to your descendants, unlike a similarly priced electronic device, which will only be current for a few years.
4. When you do decide that you love an original painting, and want to have it in your home or office, you have many options.
5. Buy the painting and enjoy the transformation of your personal space for years to come. You will be pleased you did.
6. Talk to the artist and see if you can negotiate the price. If you are interested in a painting that has been archived, a price reduction is a possibility. Certainly if you are looking at two or three smaller paintings to make an interesting grouping, a discussion of the price is one that you should have with the artist. I would be glad to take post-dated cheques or e-transfers, allowing the purchaser to acquire the painting over a set period of time. Once the payments are payed in full the painting is yours.
7. In my own experience clients are understandably hesitant to purchase a painting when they do not know if the size or colour of the painting will be appropriate in their home. Put down a deposit of 20% of the sale price and keep the painting at home for a week to decide. This service is available to clients within a 50 K radius of the studio. Most paintings that go visiting do not return to the studio. If they are returned the deposit is refunded, less 50.00 retainer for travel expenses. If you live within the 50K radius or beyond and are willing to pick-up the painting yourself the 50.00 retainer would not apply.
Art Rental
Paintings can be leased for a period of six months at 10% of the sale price per month. The total cost of the lease must be paid in full on receiving the painting.
After the six months expire, the painting can be purchased outright and the amount paid out in the lease will be deducted from the selling price of the painting.
Or the painting can be returned to the studio and another painting leased for a new 6 months term. This could be advantageous for clients who want a revolving new look for their office or home.
If you fall in love with an original which is too large and priced beyond the amount you can afford, a reproduction on canvas, at a smaller size and price, can be purchased.
The reproduction is a digitally generated copy mounted on canvas, created with the best digital technology and ready to hang on your wall. Reproductions produced in this manner are archival for up to 100 years under normal, careful handling.
Various Sizes are available. Contact Linda, if you are interested in this service. Only paintings priced at, or above, $965.00 on my web page, Oil and Acrylic, are available for purchase as a reproduction on canvas.